Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores has been tattooing professionally for more than a decade. Her name was Tatu baby. Her birth date was 27 October 1987, in Colombia, USA. Discover more information about Tatu's Networth and her full biography. She is an American TV personality and a tattooist. She appeared as a contestant in a competition for reality tattoos show titled Ink Master season in 2012 she finished fourth during season 2 of the Ink Master show. Tatu was third on the Ink Master finale for season 3. Cartel Crew's debut and second seasons in 2019 were focused on actual individuals with connections to drug cartels. Tatu Baby is an American tattooist, who has been tattooing professionally since she was 19 years old. Her Best Of Day Award was given at a tattoo competition Convention. Tatu is a baby's tattoo artist. Her works are most well-known for their real-life, custom of grey and black tattoos. Tatu appreciates the way that a body can be transformed as a canvas to express oneself. Tatu Baby was eliminated of the Ink Master Season 2 tattoo competition when she finished fourth. Tatu baby began tattooing when she was 14 years old. The tattoos were also done during the same time frame before turning 19 to become a professional tattooist. Tatu Baby, aka. Katherine Kat Flores born in Colombia on October 28, 1987. She was raised in Miami Florida. The actress was the daughter of Colombian parents. The father of her mother was an infamous drug dealer from Queens New York. Her father was murdered in a gang rival to his in the year she was four years old. Following the murder of her father, her mother was determined to get out of drugs. Tatu, her mother, along with their family relocated from the city of their birth to Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. In the middle of the course, she decided to leave the college. In the year 2000, she became obsessed with tattoos around the age of 14. Tatu Baby was a seasoned tattoo artist aged 19 when she started full-time. Tatu Baby was the younger sister to Kenneth Roman.

Astrid Berges is an actress of Spanish origin. As a teenager in high school, Berges began to act as a pastime. Rural surroundings kept her from contemplating a career in the field. Astrid was blessed with a variety of individual traits that made her more suited in her success. A condition called sectoral homochromia gave her two-toned irises. It was her foreign accent along with her bone soft structure which created Sofi the ideal choice to play the role of Sofi on I Origins. According to the elegant actress "I always do the same thing twice, I always start at zero." At times she feels anxious, but it can make her feel happy as she feels she's growing. Astrid puts a lot of emphasis on the specifics of her characters. She is attentive to what her character does how she speaks, behaves and moves. The other plus of her personality is her fluency in five languages - Catalan, Spanish, Italian, French and English.

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